
People ask me what I want to do in future
With my life
How do I tell them
That I just want to spread happiness
I want to leave people a bit happier
Than when I enter their life
I want to leave them a bit kinder
I want to leave them a bit braver
I want to leave them a bit more content
But most of all I want them to believe
That they are worthy of love
I want them to believe
That they aren’t alone
They will never be alone
There will always be someone by their side
If they can’t find that person easily
I will be there
Even if we haven’t talked in ages
I want people to not ever feel lonely
I want to be able to help people
When they come to me
To actually make them feel better

Author: Manali Sethi

An insignificant person trying to make a difference and making it a better and peaceful place to live in.

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